Specialized in Sport Clothing Customization 20 years

Any export certifications on activewear supplier china ?
ONETEX has several credentials on activewear supplier china . With the growth of the world wide web, we've started to compete on a worldwide scale. Exporting products largely results in raising our gains. And our merchandise has gained a fantastic reputation worldwide.
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As a well-known brand, ONETEX focuses on manufacturing athletic jackets. Cixi Onetex Company Ltd. has created a number of successful series, and gym shorts is one of them. The product is corrosion resistance. It has been processed with powder coating which forms a protective layer on its surface. Its fabric is biodegradable, making it an environment-friendly choice. ONETEX strictly controls the quality of raw materials to control the source quality of athletic jackets. Its fabric is biodegradable, making it an environment-friendly choice.
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We pursue environmental protection in our business. We have maintained a high level of environmental awareness and have found ways to improve environmentally friendly production. Get info!

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